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Sunday, June 23, 2013

A few updates


Immy:  The Immy project is by now available in Durban.  Please contact Leslie Hyla Winton Noble to purchase a high-quality copy of the multimedia story (complete with Peter-and-the-Wolf-style specifically composed background music) of a small girl's adventures with a dragon.

A new Magic Circle novel is also in process by our children's author, Leslie Hyla Winton Noble.  

A YA novel by the enigmatic Marie Marshall is under progress.  

The rest of the projects, as per our news page on the website.


Bookseeker Agency (our associates in Scotland) have updated their site.  Have a look here.

P'kaboo Web Updates:

Our website gets updated in sporadic gusts.  Most of it is now in its new shape; however we are still conceptualizing how best to present you with author bios and book feature pages, as we want to update those too.  

The News page will mostly contain larger news items, such as launches etc.  Smaller updates are blogged here.
