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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

29th November ebook promo

On 29th November we are holding a BIG ebook sale at Glenstantia Library.

This is the same library who hosted the joint launch of "Freedom Fighter", "Lupa" and "Forest Circle Quest".  An immensely busy, community oriented library.
Of course we will have some paperbacks there as well. for those hard-core readers who want to absorb the words through their fingertips.  Only of the paperbacks that are already launched, alas.

We will also be having coffee and tea there, if you want to join us for a chat.  We’re inviting the P’kaboo Book Club.

glenstantia bib2 library
(The Glenstantia Library is an incredibly busy and creative community centre.)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Calling all NaNo Writers

P'kaboo is calling for submissions!

If you are participating in NaNoWriMo this year, consider submitting your book to us.

Or you could self-publish.  According to some, publishers are dead.  
