A Thunderclap for ‘Polly Pink Witch’
Pink Wish Ice Cream, a lovely children’s book by Andrea Kaczmarek, illustrated by Eva Kuenzel, is due for launch soon, and we are promoting it with another Thunderclap. Please click here and join in – we need 100 people, again, to make this promotional tool effective.
Pink Wish Ice Cream deals with a sweet, rounded, good-natured Polly Pink Witch teaching some brats to be nice. It is a classic kiddies book with classic morals, the type your mum, grand-mother and aunt would have instilled in you. It’s really simple: Say “please” and “thank you”, and your wish will be granted; be rude and obnoxious and you forfeit your wish. This even applies if you’re a mommy trying to bend the rules a little for the sake of your kid… I’m curious which lessons the other witches will be instilling in potential sequels.
Here are the two links again with which you can help boost the publicity of your favourite authors:
Carmen Capuano: Split Decision
https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/28256-launch-of-ya-split-decisionAndrea Kaczmarek: Pink Wish Ice Cream
https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/28293-launching-pink-wish-ice-creamThank you to Bookseeker Agency for the blog post; thank you to all our supporters who love to see new books come into being. We so appreciate you taking part in the process by lending your social media support.